Edwin Hoenselaar

My career so far

In the past i've had some problems finishing school. So when it came to work i've always had work that didn't require any diploma. The problem with this is that i got bored really fast. So i changed jobs regularly. Until i worked at Game Mania, i had never worked for more then a year at the same company. At Game Mania i worked my way up to manager of a store and i did that for 4 years. At that point the company went bankrupt and i got back to job hopping again. After a few jobs i hit a wall and i didnt really know what to do. At my last job i was for 3 years and i was misserable for almost the entire time. Time for a change!

Why start coding now?

How i got to this point

For the past year and a half, i have had councelling to help me get back on my feet. And what i discovered about myself really helped me progress. I got promoted at work and things were getting better. But still the work wasn't difficult for me and i was looking for a new challenge. The problem was that at my last job i did not have any time to do anything else then the job i was supposed to. The pressure was big and everyday was a struggle to get the work done in time. And at some point i decided that it was enough. I started looking for a different pad for me, one that was challenging and ever changing (to keep me from getting bored with my work). A friend of mine did the codaisseur academy a while back and i got really interested. I have no experience with coding, so i'm going into this as a blanc slate. The required assignment was really tough, but i liked what i was doing. It gave me energy. So i quit my job and enrolled to Codaisseur. And now i get to meet all of you amazing people ;)